Friday, February 22, 2008

The Chronology of the Ancient World Blog Begins

We just had a Lunar Eclipse on February 20, 2008 (in the North America, Central America and South America) and on February 21 (in Europe, Africa and Central Asia), so this seemed like a good time to start this new blog.

The Chronology of the Ancient World, located at, will present a new and revised chronology that will be based to a great deal on solar eclipse data by which we will fix absolute chronological dates in ancient eras.

We will be taking our solar eclipse data from the Alcyone Ephemeris 3.1, which is the free version of this astronomy software that can be dowloaded at for example Brothersoft. We have found that the Alcyone Ephemeris 3.1 is the most accurate software program on the market for predicting eclipses in ancient days.


Andis Kaulins said...

This is a test of the comment function.

Unknown said...

There are several theories about the timing of the ancient world. E.g. exodus receives, to the best of my knowledge 4 different dates:
1. Ca 1300 B.C. - the most prevailing, that is not supported by archiological findings.
2. Ca 1700 B.C. the second most prevailing and supported also by Andis Kaulins
3. Ca 1500 B.C. as explained in a documentary by Simkha Yaakobovich
4. Ca 3700 B.C. as supported by Dr. David Inbar and Prof. Fabio Trinchieri and is supported by archiological findings according to Dr. Inbar.

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